

Roll A Sucker, Twist a Fatty

(Copyright March 2021 by Charles Adrian Trevino)

Hello, and welcome to the chucktrevino.com Free Song Page.  This webpage features a free song called "Roll a Sucker, Twist a Fatty," written, performed, sung (ha ha!  just jokin') and produced by Charles Adrian Trevino... me!  The song's name offered itself up while I was reading the news on my cell phone the other night, news that brought to mind the beginning of a great, ultra ultra-violent movie that I saw way back when, when, ummm... way back in time when I used to be able to actually sit there and imbibe all of that ultra-violence (Charles had a nervous system made of steel, way back then!). 

ct-sasha thumb-2 (119K) That's right, this song is totally FREEEeeeeee!  Why?  Perhaps its because I am just such a gawd-[censored!], mother[bleep!]ing  nice  son of a [insert synonym for female dog here] that I just give stuff away for free, thats why, you little [censored]!  I'm the nicest guy in the [bleep]ing world, and don't anybody ever forget it.  Here I am pictured at the right, giving that trendy "thumbs up" sign popularized by The Man... Sasha Baron Cohen himself!  Is this the face of some sharp hustler that every could, ever would, take your money?  Guess what, you're absolutely right (that's why I have to give 'em away free).  But really, if you ponder it, what's wrong with having a world with people who don't have the inclination (ok, or the brains) to rip you off?  Its kind of comforting, if you really stop to think about it...

I must say, though, all that great Hollywood ultra-violence used to make me feel a little bit queasy, and uneasy, if I remember right... however, when there's so much of it that its actually comical, one finds oneself tempted to just sit back, numb one's self out, and just try to laugh away... the insane madness of it all.

ny mugging (277K) I suppose I should still be "gassing," as the hipsters used to say, harder than ever now in fact, given the present state of affairs in this poor, frightened, satan-stricken country.  I just read that homicide rates increased 25% from April 2020 to April 2021, after Satan, Inc. (you know, our poli-tick-all representatives, our tech geek/masters, our Hollywood masters, BLM, ACLU, ADL, all the major U.S. corporations, you know, you know; the usual suspects) started their absurdly transparent War on Law and Order across the land.  The number was truly frightening; something like 1,990 more homicides committed in urban centers than the year before!  Hmmm... perhaps I shouldn't be just laughing this all off...

I can't for the life of me remember what movie it was, that I got my song's title from... I think it was one of those Terminator or Robocop deals, maybe.  I just remember that the movie started with a series of muggings happening in broad daylight on a typical ny-drone (570K) New York city street, I suppose.  It starts out with one poor sucker getting rolled; then his assailant quickly gets mugged himself; this continues on and on, going up the food chain, until the next-to-last predator is disemboweled by a swift kick to the privates, said kick delivered by two rather healthy-looking young ladies intent on securing the means to purchase some "medicine" to help them forget the wicked world for a while, the medicine being a very potent laboratory-created euphoric drug called "nuke" (as in, "nuke the bastards!" [translation: drop a nuclear bomb on a country's citizens]).  The whole thing kind of gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling, as I remembered the lengths that I myself used to go to score, in a pathetic attempt to escape from the reality of my own youthful hell.  The fact that I alone seemed to be cursed with eyes that could perceive the true horror of life in a city controlled by depraved, invisibly-ensconsed SS-DG's From Hell sometimes proved too difficult to deal with, requiring a quick-fix solution (oh; for those new to this website, "SS-DG" denotes a foul, stupid, and therefore, accordingly, mean, shallow, disgusting, self-loathing, belly-crawling, ass-biting hyena of a bipedal whatever; a thing that doesn't actually have the right to exist, so badly does it screw things up for humanity).

Oh me gawd, what did I just say back there?  Hold it readers, I didn't mean that I rolled people  to score my poison;  I rolled joints, for cry-sakes, not real actual people!  I would never actually hurt another person in my mad, relentless quest to hurt myself!  Well, not intentionally, anyway.

DSC00014 (169K) That's right, you got it right, buddy... Charles is A-OK!  He only wants to destroy himself, not society!  And why not?  After all, Charles has had a long, good life, fighting off all them hyenas, snakes, conqueror worms... even the tiny little maggot worms attack him!  But all sarcasm aside, please be assured:  this lifetime of unpleasantness has only instilled in Charles a firm resolve to locate evil, flush it out from its evil little hiding hole, and then give it a strong resounding whack! whenever it raises its little mole head to protest such foul treatment by Charles.  Charles provides this service without pay, and with very little appreciation extended to him for his noble efforts, either.  This begs the pertinent question:  Why does he do it? 

Perhaps its because Charles thinks that people are finally starting to realize that maybe something funny actually is going on out there; something that could severely affect their futures, and I'm not talking about some creep's stock market futures here;  I'm talking about something extremely funny, coming our way.  And if people are starting to wake up to the new reality, that in itself is an interesting phenomenon; something that I think I'd maybe like to stick around and see unfold... for better or for worse. 

Actually, few things could be worse than what I and many others suspect is happening now;  a thinly disguised totalitarian regime (barely bothering to even hide its misdeeds anymore, so obesely powerful has it grown) forcing debilitating and even fatal vaccinations upon a helplessly-ensnared public;  an exposed off- and ONLINE election-stealing conspiracy, blatantly carried out ONLINE under the noses of the American voters, by ONLINE "middle-men" while the voting machine companies (Dominion, Smartmatic ______, etc.) kept insisting the machines were NOT ONLINE; harrassment, termination, disbarment, criminalization, and ruination of any public figure who EVEN QUESTIONED the validity of the voting machines, which forensic experts (quite possibly dead by now!) concluded were obviously intentionally designed to facilitate voter fraud in various ways, such as scanners set at very low resolution, far below what DOMINION and the other voting machine bad actors said the resolution was, automatically generating ballot errors at a rate of 68.5%  (these uncertain ballots were then sent to adjudication, which really means that someone else decides who the voter really intended to vote for, and then "votes" for him, with no oversight, transparency, audit trail, or accountability).  Excellente, DOMINION!

Or consider the tragic plight of the city of Portland, Oregon, if you will.  Way, way back a long time ago, I started hearing about how some of those nice antifa people were trying to make things real nice in Portland for everybody (since All Lives Matter, right you guys?), by staging blatant, destructive, mindless riots on an almost nightly basis, this being done to protect innocent people like George ny ruins (358K) Floyd who, according to the media, was second-cousin to Jesus Christ himself, and didn't pose a threat to society in any form or fashion, as he merrily went about his daily business, which included invading terrifed people's homes (Floyd stood somewhere between 6'4" and 6'6" and was extremely well-built, according to media reports) and holding them at gunpoint while searching for booty.  When Portland mayor Ted Wheeler attempted to work around the ties that bind politicians (the SS-DG ties), antifa laid seige to his house, forcing him to seek lodgings elsewhere, out of deference to his frightened neighbors feelings.  Meanwhile, Oregon Governor Jo Ann Hardesty blatantly encouraged, aided, abetted, and protected these crazed rioters, most of whom don't appear to be black at all (in fact, a lot of them look more like, well... ummm, I'd better not say it here).  Then I read about how the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) is helping all Americans out... by suing the cops for using tear gas to disperse the rioters and save the city from burning down!  Then I heard they were blaming Trump for all the riots, because he took some very understandable measures to try to stop the rioters, therefore causing the riots!  I don't know, I think that's what they were saying...  and now I just heard that California Governor Gavin Newsome "fired" some of the top National Guard brass... supposedly because they were keeping a fighter jet in readiness to respond to possible massive civil unrest, which anyone who reads CNN or NBC News or ABC News or The Guardian or The Atlantic or MSNBC NEWS or L.A. Times or N.Y. Times or The Hill or Politico or Yahoo News or... (aw, you see what happens when you get me started?)  just knows is definitely never going to happen in this fine state! 

That's right, you heard it on chucktrevino.com... antifa is definitely not here in __________ already, no sir!  That guy working at my local Ralphs store, that George Lucas lookalike, the one who was so kindly just loving all those nice Ralphs customers at the self-checkout ralphs cops 2 (128K) stations, using his bestest, friendliest tone of voice (until he got to me, whereupon he screamed some jibberish directly into my poor ear, in a voice that appeared to be mocking some hispanic people's English-challenged dialect [thanks for the broken eardrum, George!]) was most definitely not an antifa guy.  Nor was he some big fat stupid geek who made little jackass Star Wars movies either (actually, I don't even know what George Lucas looks like  -- all I know is that this guy looked like him [seen one of those people, you seen 'em all, that's what I always say... heh-heh!]).  This was the kind of fine, upstanding citizen whom the SS-DG's that obviously own the Ralphs grocery store chain (as well as all the other chains) feel should be representing their corporate name.  And all those scary, crazy people that I've been running into everywhere around town (i.e., the beach, the park, the bike shop, the gas station, the Target parking lot, the street corner, Ralphs (did I already mention Ralphs already?  Oh, sorry Ralphs)... they're not antifa, either.  If you think like that, you just know that you are a racist. 

And that crazy guy who appeared out of nowhere in his little car, got behind me and chased me for several blocks, honking and screaming (until he suddenly found himself in front of me, somehow, and being filmed by my trusty, ever-present little camera, whereupon he seemed to remember he had a pressing appointment somewhere far away); he definitely wasn't antifa, even though this assault occurred immediately after I had "flipped the bird" to a large group of Black Lives Matter "activists" (most of whom weren't black) who were standing plunge-7 (314K) on the corner of a rather beautiful city street in my hometown, agitating for disruption, violence, arson, major property damage, and hopefully a little mayhem too!  Having been deluged daily by Google with stories of what was going on in Portland, Oregon, I got a little bit... um, angry.  So I flipped 'em off!  Ok, I admit I yelled something not too nice also, big deal.  So what!  What do you SS-DG's expect, anyway, after what you did to Portland and other unfortunate once-very-nice places?  I mean, just how stupid do these hellbound bigwigs think we all are?  Let me ask these invisible overlords something, straight out:  DO YOU TAKE ME FOR AN IMBECILE??

ct ghost (154K) Actually, I think they do... but at least I'm not alone!  But you know, I have to admit it... I am kinda' a dummy, sometimes.  Ok, maybe more than "sometimes."  Alright you droogs, I admit it all:  I am a typically clueless American who only knows what he reads on his cell phone's Google-controlled newspaper.  I readily admit that I don't know what the hell is really going on out there... how can I, when the mainstream media outlets are all telling me one thing (the same old thing), and the smaller, less tractable news outlets are telling me a different side of the story?  The fact is, I don't really totally believe anything I hear anymore, from any source; I now simply read all accounts, then rely on my razor-sharp, white-hot powers of inference to figure out what's really going on.  I'll give you a quick example of how my brain works: 

After last year's presidential election, at least 140 House Republicans and about a dozen Senate Republicans objected to the Electoral College results;  baselessly, according to CNN, our country's lord-protector.  Hey, if CNN keeps insisting, over and over and over again, that any accusations regarding the legality of the stolen... um, I mean the contested election, are baseless, baseless, baseless...  I repeat:  baseless...  uh, let me just repeat that once more, with feeling this time!  THEY'RE BASELESS!  BASELESS!  BASELESS!  (are these CNN articles written by one of those algorithms I've been hearing about?  Nah, couldn't be -- somebody big just likes that word, baseless)  then they're baseless, ok?    So much for that.

But then, THEN, that Rudy Guiliani attorney guy (now in trouble with the FBI, unsurprisingly) kept trying to make waves about the integrity of the election... and was promptly sued by Dominion, for an astounding 1.3 billion dollars!  In other words, just shut up, Rudy, huh?  Don't make waves.  Strangely, it seemed that Rudy G. had tons of admissible evidence to back up his claims (I think that Rudy probably knows the consequences for bringing frivolous lawsuits and perjuring one's self) and it seemed as if judicial authorities would want to take a good hard look at that evidence, in view of the treasonous nature of the accusations.  The fact that Guliani welcomed the lawsuit so that he could conduct discovery (requesting documents and answers to questions, under penalty of perjury) which he said would completely prove beyond a doubt that one Dominion Software company had blatantly, in broad daylight, and with no apparent fear of prosecution, treasonously (penalty for treason: death) altered the data stored in its computers, WHICH DOMINION CLAIMED WERE NOT CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET, BUT REALLY WERE, was surely not lost on these judicial authorities.  This assertion that the voting machines were never, at any time, CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET, which was made by Dominion time and again, has been shown to be a completely BOLD-FACED LIE by countless experts, who have courageously risked their reputations, careers, and probably lives (this is big time, folks) to bring this fact to light, as it seems to be the proverbial "smoking gun" that proves that THE ELECTION was almost certainly RIGGED, both locally and ONLINE. 


DSC00033 (168K) However... it seems that Rudy G. uses hair dye!  That's right, CNN caught the guy making a speech on camera, with a little trickle of what looked like dark sweat running down his face!  When CNN saw that, they jumped right on it, boy, to protect us from false information!  And these guys are nothing if not assiduous... I must have seen at least 237 news articles that were rightfully chastising Rudy G. for this henious offense against all Americans.  And the "other," lesser news agencies didn't even try to deny the truth of this assertion.  I mean its like, "c'mon you idiots, wake up:  the man dyes his hair!"  Therefore, given the information available to him from CNN and other trustworthy major media outlets, Charles must infer that this man Rudy Guliani is lying... about everything!  He is feckless, clueless... BASELESS!  Hmmm... my own hair seems to be looking a little whi... ah, never mind.  Rudy is just no damn good, folks, he dyes his hair... take it from CNN, and from Charles, who would never stoop so low as to apply even a small dab of hair coloring; hey, its a matter of integrity, folks!  Its not because I can't afford expensive stuff like that, nooooo...

Ok, I said I was going to cut the sarcasm... and I meant it!  No more cute little snide remarks from old Chucky boy, no siree.  Let's just change the subject, ok, and talk about something else, like... hmmmm, what this?  How about face masks?

knotju again (36K)

As you all surely know by now, all the cool people are telling you to wear face masks... like the cool rock star pictured above, who seems to have lifted some of the lyrics from over-rated pop band Queen's worst ever song (I almost jumped out of a moving car on the freeway when the driver wouldn't turn this song off); are you starting to get the picture now?  Who controls the entertainment industry?  Who controls the media?  Who controls the government?  Who is asking you to wear an idiot mask for the rest of your life, with not a shred of evidence to justify this outrage?  And who is backing up this Satanic demand?

$350 fine face mask (267K)

mask fine-2 (287K)

mask fine-6 (273K)

mask fine-8 (301K)

MB mask fee (102K)

Facemasks are Ineffective to Block Transmission of COVID-19 and Actually Can Cause Health Deterioration and Premature Death

A recent peer-reviewed study was done by Stanford University, and released by the National Center for Biotechnological Information ("NCBI"), which is a branch of the National Institute for Health.  Stanford study results?  "Facemasks are Ineffective to Block Transmission of COVID-19 and Actually Can Cause Health Deterioration and Premature Death"!  That's right, this reliable organization said that masks were COMPLETELY INEFFECTIVE in preventing the spread of Covid-19, Got $350 (228K) AND their use is even harmful.  Not only was this ASTOUNDINGLY CRUCIAL information NOT POSTED ON ANY INTERNET SITE, but it seems that the “science-worshippers” at Big Tech will actually SUSPEND YOUR TWITTER ACCOUNT if you should try to post it yourself.  It seems they did just that to one Steve Cortes, who learned the hard way.  So why are people still getting tickets (minimum: $350.00) for not wearing masks, even when just walking down the boardwalk at the beach, in God's own once readily-available fresh air?  Uh, shouldn't we be organizing a class-action lawsuit of astonishing proportions against the geniuses who have made us all wear their GODDAMNED idiot jerk masks for so long, masks which are actually injuring us?  Oh, I forgot, they'd just hit you with one of their SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) lawsuits, those actions where the huge corporate giant completely screws all the little ants biting at his toes down there (with the consent of the good judge, of course).  Sorry, nix that... I forgot about those "good judges."

Let's change the subject again... how about we talk about mandatory vaccinations?  As you know, there is no such thing, at least that's what the media is saying.  But I myself just spoke to a young friend who recently found a good job in central California; he was hired on the condition that he never return home to see his family... unless he takes the dreaded vaccine.  The fact that you can't fly, go to work (or even get work at all), attend college, send your kids to school, etc., etc., UNLESS YOU TAKE THIS MYSTERIOUS, EXTREMELY QUESTIONABLE INJECTION means nothing when the news people discuss the subject of mandatory vaccinations, especially when you're listening to CNN (oh, just so you'll know; from now on I'm using the acronym CNN as a synonym for all crooked major news media [you know, the guys your Google search engine wants you to listen to], ok?)

Now, let's just all stop acting scared and stupid for a second here; the writing is on the wall in huge letters:  GET THAT VACCINATION OR YOU GONNA' LOSE BIG TIME, BOY!  Anyone who still denies that the government, or some evil, seemingly unstoppable entity that controls our government, is forcing you to accept a highly-suspect substance, which they will not allow any individual to have privately analyzed, is, well... pretty effing dumb.  I'm sorry.  I'm sorry.

But why would they do things like forcing perfectly healthy, normal young kids to take a dangeous vaccine that is not even necessary, according to expert medical opinion?  covid virus (163K) No one would do such a terrible, satanic thing for money, for God's sakes, would they?  Aren't those conspiracy theorists who assert that in years past the CDC was actually complicit in blatant mass-murder-for-profit schemes involving the Swine Flu, smallpox, and diptheria (among other crimes), all involving government-compelled vaccinations that killed or harmed countless unsuspecting citizens, and who have documentation to prove their assertions, aren't they just crazy, like the media tells us?  Unfortunately, it would seem that maybe they're not; the death figures of people who have taken this Covid-19 vaccine are COMPLETELY OUT OF PROPORTION to any previous vaccine-related deaths EVER RECORDED; for example, in the four months between December 2020 and April 23, 2021, 3,362 people died after getting the COVID vaccines in the United States, an average of 30 people every day.  Compare that four-month-only figure to the people who died from the flu vaccinations given to over 160 million Americans in 2019:  203 people.  That data is from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) which is managed by the CDC and the FDA, and is said to have counted only a tiny percentage of actual deaths!  ONE MORE TIME, for good measure, folks:  per VAERS, more people have died after getting the Covid-19 vaccination in four months during a single vaccination campaign than from all other vaccine campaigns combined over more than a decade and a half;  this is, quite simply, the single deadliest mass-vaccination event ever recorded in modern history... and the VAERS estimate is notoriously shockingly low!    I fear that something extremely scary is happening here... again.

Which doesn't really surprise the hell out of me... nothing does, anymore!  NOW THEY'RE SAYING YOU DON'T HAVE TO WEAR A GODDAMNED MASK IF YOU AGREE TO GET VACCINATED!  These satanists seem to have every angle covered, as you can see.  A much respected, world-renown immunologist named Judy Mikovits, who was fired, slandered, harrassed, jailed, and heavily fined for her whistle-blowing writings on the much misunderstood pros and cons of vaccinations in general, is now back at the front lines with a new video called "Plandemic," which I haven't had a chance to see yet, as it has been thoroughly and rather blatantly suppressed by our First Amendment-loving (at least where BLM rioters are concerned) leaders, or, to be perfectly honest, by the unaccountable, hidden-away political/financial wizards that control our leaders.  But the story seems to be that, according to Judy, Covid-19 vaccinations are a complete farce, and this great Dr. Fauci guy, our national hero, is in this "plandemic" thing up to his neck; he even owned stock in the Wuhan laboratory where this virus was supposedly spawned, intentionally or not (you can learn all kinds of neat things on the internet, if you know how to sift through the links; eventually you'll find something you'll want to believe [use your powers of inference!]).

So, given all this disturbing information which he'd ferreted out about this Newest Satanic Plot to Dehumanize and Destroy the World for Decent People, you can perhaps understand why Charles would became very upset over this "voluntary" mandatory vaccination thing; perhaps you can understand Charles' concern about all this obviously SYNTH-contrived "no vaccination, no job (or anything else for that matter)" bullshit (for those new to this website, SYNTH stands for an unholy alliance between the SS-DG worms and the knuckle-dragging IWM  ["Ignoble White Man" {never to be confused with the Noble White Man ("NWM")!}])!  Maybe you can even start to understand, a little bit, Charles' outrage in extremis, when he sees that people just don't want to admit the truth; that our country, and apparently the rest of the world also now, is controlled by Satan-worhsipping (although they might not yet realize it) monsters; politician-manipulating, international-financier-little-maggot servants of The Great Horned One himself, absurd jackasses that self-deludingly think they are beneficient gods, put here to save us all from our ignorant selves (it must help to think like that, eh you weirdos?) and cannot for the greedy, worthless life of themselves see WHAT THEY REALLY ARE. 

These blind, pathetic, helplessly corrupt, unknowing pawns of Evil Incarnate control all the major media outlets, AS WELL AS the tech-worm monopolists that send you to their news stories.  So perhaps you can also understand why Charles has decided, after much thoughtful deliberation, to grab (by the hair) one of the media's most-favored news celebrities; I'm talking about none other than CNN's illustrious and knowledgeable point man, Mr. "I-cannot-tell-a-lie" himself...CHRIS CILLIZZA! and force him into giving a scathing, "hot seat" interview to chucktrevino.com!  With or without his, ahem... cooperation.

ct-baron-2 (149K) As you know, when it comes to exposing corruption and hypocrisy in high places, Charles has no peer.  Charles is, quite simply, un-buyable.  Uncorruptible.  Immune to threats, bribery or coercion.  Charles, who has taken a vow to protect all of mankind, every single last one of you guys, regardless of your size, shape or color (except for you weird-looking chartreuse-colored people, of course), from Satanic actors and influencers bent on buying your soul, dirt cheap as it were, pledges... um, now where was I?  Forgot... oh, yeah:  Charles pledges allegiance only to God, Truth, Righteousness, Stalwartness, Justice, and himself; he is completely unencumbered, marvelously unhampered, generously visually endowed, notoriously controversial, extremely unhappy, and highly expendable (did I say that?  Yup, I sure did... oh shit, here we go...). 

Simply put:  Charles is the right man to tackle the notoriously candid, flippantly offhand, and extemporaneously dazzling CHRIS CILLIZZA!  And so, the gauntlet is hurled down to CNN's feet;  the much-feared chucktrevino.com HOT SEAT INTERVIEW with CNN's Chris Cillizza IS COMING... SOON!  VERY SOON!  How soon?  Let me put it this way, Chris; you may want to start thinking about switching jobs, very quickly.

Heh-heh!  Just joking again, folks!  Everyone knows that Chris Cillizza would CLOBBER Charles in a live, internationally-televised debate, what with all his knowledge of what's really going on out there... this interview will probably be pretty mild, actually;  as everyone knows by now, Charles is not one to make waves!


The Chucktrevino.com HOT SEAT INTERVIEW!

charles baron trevino (124K)

With Special Guest:   CNN'S CHRIS CILLIZZA!

Cillizza, oh no (56K)


Heh heh heh!  Ok, now here's your stupid song:  just click this link here:  Roll a Sucker, Twist a Fatty.  And y'all be sure to come back now and read that interview, hear?  Wouldn't want to miss Chris making mincemeat outa' poor Charles, now would you? 

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All text, songs and photos (except as otherwise noted) Copyright May 2021 by Charles Adrian Trevino.  If any person should become irate at being rudely woken up to what's happening in the country today... go ahead and sue me for $1.3 billion... maybe I'll stop!   This is chucktrevino.com.